Literary Works

Scott and Zelda led a whirlwind existence. While enjoying the ex-patriot life of Paris and the Riviera during the 20’s and 30’s, they attended countless gatherings of artists and writers and participated in a vibrant exchange of ideas and creative accomplishment.

In these years F. Scott Fitzgerald produced a stunning number of novels and short stories. His celebrity reached its zenith with the publication of The Great Gatsby in 1925 – the masterpiece that secured his literary immortality.

Short Stories and Essays

“The Camel’s Back,” (April 1920), Tales of the Jazz Age

“The Cut-Glass Bowl,” (May 1920), Flappers and Philosophers

“Bernice Bobs Her Hair,” (May 1920), Flappers and Philosophers

“The Ice Palace,” (May 1920), Flappers and Philosophers

“The Offshore Pirate,” (May 1920), Flappers and Philosophers

“May Day,” (July 1920), Tales of the Jazz Age

“The Jelly-Bean,” (October 1920), Tales of the Jazz Age

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” (May 1922), Tales of the Jazz Age

“The Diamond as Big as the Ritz,” (June 1922), Tales of the Jazz Age

“Winter Dreams,” (December 1922), All the Sad Young Men

“Gretchen’s Forty Winks,” (March 1924), All the Sad Young Men

“Absolution,” (June 1924), All the Sad Young Men

“‘The Sensible Thing,’” (July 1924), All the Sad Young Men

“The Baby Party,” (February 1925), All the Sad Young Men

“The Freshest Boy,” (July 1928), Taps at Reveille; Basil and Josephine

“A Short Trip Home,” (December 1927), Taps at Reveille

“The Rich Boy,” (January & February 1926), All the Sad Young Men

“Outside the Cabinet-Maker’s,” (December 1928), Afternoon of an Author

“The Captured Shadow,” (December 1928), Taps at Reveille; Basil and Josephine

“The Last of the Belles,” (March 1929), Taps at Reveille

“One Trip Abroad,” (October 1930), Afternoon of an Author

“Babylon Revisited,” The Saturday Evening Post, (February 1931), Taps at Reveille

“Emotional Bankruptcy,” (August 1931), Basil and Josephine

“Crazy Sunday,” (October 1932), Taps at Reveille

“‘Send Me In, Coach,’” (November 1936), Esquire

“The Lost Decade,” (December 1939), Esquire

“‘Boil Some Water—Lots of It,’” (March 1940), Pat Hobby Stories

“Teamed with Genius,” Esquire, (April 1940), Pat Hobby Stories

“Three Hours Between Planes,” Esquire, (July 1941)

Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda was a creative talent in her own right. In addition to studying ballet in Paris and leaving a legacy of oil and gouache paintings, Zelda authored dozens of short stories, articles, and one novel, Save Me the Waltz, first published in 1932.